Genota Forms 2


By selecting the Documents option section from either VIEW MENU or the FORMS NAVIGATOR, it changes the Genota Forms workspace to the Document view (as below).
This view allows for a user to see all the Documents that have been added to Genota Forms. There are three (3) columns titled:
Click on the Customise button at the top left of the screen to alter the displayed columns.
For the function of each of these please refer Document Details
The Quick Buttons available from this screen are:
Add a new document record to Genota Forms
Copy, edit and view the currently selected document
Delete Selected Document
Delete the selected document. A document cannot be deleted if linked to a Form
Display Linked Forms
Displays a list of all forms that are linked to the selected document. From this list details of the Form can be viewed, edited or printed.
Export Display To Excel
Export all visible information to a Microsoft Excel® formatted spreadsheet
View Selected Document
View the contents of the selected document using the default application installed for the file type selected. This option only functions where a Location is recorded for a document. The location may be the file location on a PC or network, or a URL.