Genota Forms 2

Person Details

The PERSON DETAILS screen allows the user to view the a Person selected from the PERSON VIEW in an expanded format.  From this screen the user can also copy the displayed Person as a new record for editing, or edit the current Person record.
The PERSON DETAILS screen is as below:
This screen shows the user the full details of a Person. From this screen, a user can copy, edit and create a individual by following the below steps:
1. Select the Copy button from the right hand side of the PERSON DETAILS screen to create a copy of the existing person as a new record and edit the details as required to create a unique record.
2. Select the Save button from the right hand side of the PERSON DETAILS screen
3. The copy of the original individual is now in the PERSON VIEW section of the Genota Forms Workspace
1. Select the New button from the right hand side of the PERSON DETAILS screen
2. Edit the relevant fields and enter all applicable information as follows:

The surname of the individual
Other Names
The given or other names of the individual
Select the gender of the individual from the drop down list
This is split into 2 sections, Date and Location. Enter the date in a DD MMM YYYY format, e.g. 01 JAN 1895t. For the location select a location from the drop down menu. Should the individuals location of birth not be available in the list a user can type in add the location as required.
This is split into 2 sections, Date and Location. Enter the date in a DD MMM YYYY format, e.g 01 JAN 1895. For the location select a location from the drop down menu. Should the individuals location of birth not be available in the list a user can type in add the location as required.
 Additional notes or comments in relation to the individual

3. Select the Save button from the right hand side of the PERSON DETAILS screen  
1. Click on the Edit button on the right hand side of the PERSON DETAILS screen.
2. Edit the relevant fields with the updated information.
3. Select the Save button from the right hand side of the PERSON DETAILS screen