Frequently asked questions

General Questions
How can I obtain the User Manual?

A PDF formatted version of the user guide may be downloaded from the Downloads Area by registered Ausgen customers.
Persons who purchase the physical media packages will find it included as part of their package.
The PDF version the user manual for Genota 3.x is no longer available.

Which Microsoft operating systems does Genota and Genota Forms work on?

Genota 4 will run on all versions of Windows from Windows XP through to Windows 8.1, and Genota 3 will run on Windows 98 as well.

On Vista and later it is recommended that Genota 4 and Genota Forms 2.x not be installed in the Program Files folder but the Public or C: folder due to restrictions imposed by these 2 operating systems which prohibit the applications from writing necessary configuration information to the Program Files folder.

Genota 5.x and Genota Forms 2.x and above operates on all versions of Windows later than Microsoft Vista.

Installation on Microsoft Vista appears to hang?

When updating either Genota or Genota Forms via the CHECK FOR UPDATES option, the installation appears to hang. Should this occur press the CTRL+TAB keys to switch screens as Vista tends to open a dialog behind the Genota/Genota Forms screen waiting for permission to continue.

I cannot open the Help file under Microsoft Vista?

Microsoft introduced a new format for Help files with the release of Vista® rendering earlier Help formats inoperable. To overcome this issue you need to download and install WinHelp32 for Vista from :
In some instances WinHelp32 may not be able to find the Help file and a dialogue will display to assist in locating it.
Alternatively, registered users can access on-line help located under the Registered Users menu.